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Selling Your Home with HB Roswell Realty
What is my home worth?

HB Roswell Realty offers its customers practical advice on home pricing strategies based on recent comparable sales, as well as the the homeowner’s particular goals.
Facing foreclosure or bankruptcy?
Loan modification or short sale might be the answer
Why is my current
property not selling?

Get back on the track to a
sold house for top dollar and fast
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simply click here!
Why Sell with a Realtor? And why HB Roswell Realty?
HB Roswell Realty would like to tell you a little secret. Real estate is not rocket science. You can sell your home as well as any realtor if you . . . .
HB Roswell Realty Marketing Plan

At HB Roswell Realty, we believe that selling a home is Marketing 101. That means a realtor needs to understand the profile of the potential buyer, create as much targeted exposure as possible, be available to show the property as often as possible and maximize each showing by having the home be as presentable as possible.
Facing foreclosure or bankruptcy?
Loan modification or short sale might be the answer
ways to maximize your showings: ways HB Roswell Realty is better
  1. Reduce clutter and remove personal items
  2. Make your home available as much as possible
  3. Leave or step out during showings
  4. Prep/stage your home
  1. Exceptional online presence (including ownership of www.condoblackbook.com), which brings significant exposure and strong international access
  2. All of our agents sign our pledge.
  3. Staff of specialized professionals for each step of the process -- from marketing to contracts, inspections, lending and closing -- to ensure that knowledgeable people who also have the time to dedicate to make things right.